

Friday, October 10, 2014

Hallway of the Dead

Hallway of the Dead directors cut

We made this film back in June of 2009, this was a year long project which during my breaks I was writing, story boarding and ordering items on the internet. Just trying to buy things on Ebay was a pain in the ass, most of the time I lost bids to other jerks buying 16mm film cameras. I did get lucky and older  K-3 hand crank Russian movie camera from the 60's.

Now that I have the camera now I needed to get the 16mm fillm Kodak and that was also a bitch to get it coasted 160.00 including shipping . I lost bids for black & white film, because black and white will give me more of a chance to cheat with the blood effect and make up but no dice. I did 12 rolls of film, color film but at that point I didnt care I just wanted to have it. 
So I tested the camera, I had to download the manual book, I was expecting to say congratulations comrade for buying your K3. No it was just typical loading film into, check speed, ect ect. 
first thing I did was record my room and if you know anything about movie film this roll was only 100 feet which translate 2 minutes of film. So I'll use 10 rolls which is 20 minutes, cut and edit a 10-15 minute movie. You see being a former film student in the 90's digital was not respected at all. It look like shit, it look like your shooting a porno. Film made your movie protect look artistic, fancy, brave and film just looks better. That was the idea of using film was the risk factor from buying the roll, loading the roll in your camera, in a low lighting. Shooting the film and hoping it won't get over exposure. Taking it out of the camera, in a low light setting, then take it to get it develop  in your local film shop, IF they still develop film. Then waiting weeks and have it come back saying damage because some dumbass opening it seeing what's inside in a High lighting setting over expose your film, it's heart breaking, makes you angry and sad, I've been there one time with a project I made for film class. I still got a passing grade because my teacher was witness to my project. I don't think (what do you call them, now since they don't use film anymore) young movie students understand the disappoints it could bring but the triumph it make you feel. Here's a secret about film for low budget film makers, no matter how shitty your movie is film takes up a level. People watch your movie and say that sucked but it was shot on film. I did use 2 rolls on my family and friends recording them and took them to Costco film department and they also transfer to dvd.  I got it back watched it and loved it, perfect I said. 

It was showtime and I had over 20 actors show up to be zombies and victims, my wife was the make up artist. She was scared at hell thinking her make up wasn't going to be good at all. You see my wife studied special effects and making monster make up at the Buell theater in Colorado. She learned form the best and she had doubt about her awesome gifts. She made a 7 minute zombie face make up kit she came up with. There were suppose to be stage one zombies, which are new fresh corpse victims. 

In the day of the shoot only 12 people showed and not my main character either. I arrange everyone to be at a middle school which I rented for one day on a Saturday. I arrive at 10am to set up, food, story board, and scripts. at Noon only the 12 people got into make up, ate and were having fun. I was nervous, angry, and stress wondering where they hell is everyone else. Then I decided to say "fuck it" I'll rewrite the story and work with who I have. Then after that I checked my K3  and notice something wrong. I couldn't see through the lens it was foggy. I check the lens but no, I cleaned the  both lens and they were fine. I opened it and had to go in the K3 the internal glass cube which is the heart of the image to record onto film was foggy???? weeks later I took it to a camera store and had no explanation to how it was caused. Back to the movie shoot, I wanted to cry but I'm a man I wanted to punch the universe in the face. My wife happened to bring her digital sony cam. As they say the show must go on, I shoot it with the sony cam, I didn't write any dialog because I wanted to add just an rock opera music in the background. We filmed it and afterwards we went back to our home and celebrated with food and booze. I was an awesome feeling, I didn't like because It was against using digital and was bummed out. My wife edit the film for me and showed it one day at a party in front of our friends. Of course they applaud, happy, and cheerful. Now I uploaded onto to Youtube, I'm not asking for money I just want to show it to many people as possible. Please enjoy 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Westminster Castle of Strange?

Westminster Castle of strange?

by Ascary M.

You have seen it, it’s also known at the Westminster Castle off of 84th Federal blvd. I see a lot when I’m in that part of town going to get a pizza from Blackjack’s and I look over to the west at the mountains and told myself what a cool building.   
picture by Elyria Swansea

Now own by the Pillar of Fire, which is a Methodist group but the Castle has had a long history of bad vibes and bad times. Built in 1892 by Architect E.B. Gregory with the use of cornerstone red rocks. I have a paranormal theory about the red rocks which are often found through all of Colorado but will discuss later. The doors open in 1898, The Castle was to be the Princeton of the west. It was a University. One incident happen in 1910 when a young girl died on the steps entry of the University when her head fractured but the question was how she died, accident, suicide, or murder.  1913 the University stopped admissions to women but in 1915 their enrollment dropped due the draft of WW1 by 1917 Westminster castle closed its doors and was abandoned.   

In 1920 the Pillar of fire bought and paid for the Castle for 40,000. on January 31 1920. The Pillar of fire founder was Bishop Alma White, changing her last name to sound more pure so she thought. The Pillar of Fire originated in New Jersey, Alma White was associated with the Ku Klux Klan. Her views on feminism, anti-Semitism, immigrants and just plan of racism was well shared. The Westminster castle or the red castle it needed over 75,000 in repairs, along with that the local farmer use it as a chicken coop housing over thousands of chickens for over two years. It took six years before it open its doors again but this time the Castle held Ku Klux Klan meetings, fire crossing and torture and murders of African Americans inside the Castle walls, so say rumors. Then again people have told me they cut down the hanging tree in the front, but who knows.  

According to I recommend this site it's really cool. The Westminster castle is haunted by the victims of a murder that happened years ago. The haunting consists of faces being seen in the tower windows, or a ghost mist around the cemetery. 

A person I know told a scary thing they did when they where teenagers. Back in the 70's one of he's friends fathers was a custodian for the castle so around Halloween they stole their fathers keys and went in the castle. Of course one of them had a Ouija board it was the 70's. I'll say it again again "fuck you parker bros" for popularizing the Ouija board. The Dazed and stupid teens set up the board in the tower, of course they heard noises and felt things in the room and cold spots. When using a Ouija board your most likely summing unwanted spirits, demons and other. It can also open portals to dimensional, spiritual, vortex or other realms, so a big no no. I went one night, not on halloween, that's a big night for me, too busy fun. Anyways I drove up, stayed on my car and took photos using my night vision app and I would say I got some results but my phone started to acted up so my photos where a little funny.  I believed where the castle is located which is one of the highest peaks of Denver is over Ley Line.  Ley lines are magical, mystical alignments that can carry energy both positive and negative depending on what your beliefs are. This is why I believe the Ku Klux Klan use this area for their negative rituals of cross burring or hanging. Ounce on October I did see a bunch Wiccans doing a earth ritual, dress in purple, or course there using the energy for positive. Now the red stone which is used to build for homes and sidewalks, I also think has magical elements in it, but like I said I’ll explain it some other time.  This is also why people have seen weird things not just ghost, or moving mist but also a winged guardian (maybe gargoyle). It also has a massive fog covering the surrounding area soo thick but just in this area. 
the castle

here's the castle from afar

I stopped and took just random shots in the dark and got what looks like a face or two

not sure but something was blurry in this pic
this was in front of the castle, looks like a wome

what looks like two figures staring back

woman's face?

more faces
the castle is to the left but I got something on my right while driving off

filtered what looks like a woman?

Hope you enjoy this and when your ordering your pizza from black jack and just look over to the west and see that big old red castle well now you know a little more about it and make’s for a cool ghost story. So it’s cool to drive by on Halloween night and take some photos, you’ll never know you might get an extra face or something else.

Friday, September 12, 2014

The Big Fear of...........

I picked out some fun scary stuff, seeing that halloween is around corner. Well fun for some I know a lot of people have a fear of clowns, thank you Stephen King. 

Achluophobia- Fear of darkness

Arachnephobia or Arachnophobia- Fear of spiders

Bogyphobia- Fear of bogeys or the bogeyman

Coulrophobia is a fear of Clowns

Catoptrophobia- Fear of mirrors

Demonophobia or Daemonophobia- Fear of demons

Eosophobia- Fear of dawn or daylight.

Hadephobia- Fear of hell.

Hagiophobia- Fear of saints or holy things.

Helminthophobia- Fear of being infested with worms

Herpetophobia- Fear of reptiles or creepy, crawly things.

Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia- Fear of the number 666

Hypnophobia- Fear of sleep or of being hypnotized.

Iophobia- Fear of poison.

Insectophobia - Fear of insects

Katsaridaphobia- Fear of cockroaches

Kosmikophobia- Fear of cosmic phenomenon

Kynophobia- Fear of rabies.

Lygophobia- Fear of darkness.

Myctophobia- Fear of darkness. yes there's two

Lyssophobia- Fear of rabies or of becoming mad.

Nebulaphobia- Fear of fog. (Homichlophobia)

Necrophobia- Fear of death or dead things.

Noctiphobia- Fear of the night

Nyctohylophobia- Fear of dark wooded areas or of forests at night

Nyctophobia- Fear of the dark or of night.

Ophidiophobia- Fear of snakes. (Snakephobia)

Parasitophobia- Fear of parasites.

Paraskavedekatriaphobia- Fear of Friday the 13th.

Pediophobia- Fear of dolls.

Pedophobia- Fear of children.

Phagophobia- Fear of swallowing or of eating or of being eaten.

Phasmophobia- Fear of ghosts

Pneumatiphobia- Fear of spirits.

Pupaphobia - Fear of puppets.

Samhainophobia: Fear of Halloween. No way

Satanophobia- Fear of Satan

Sciophobia Sciaphobia- Fear of shadows.

Scoleciphobia- Fear of worms

Selachophobia- Fear of sharks. So no Sharknado’s

Spectrophobia- Fear of specters or ghosts.

Staurophobia- Fear of crosses or the crucifix.

Stygiophobia or Stigiophobia- Fear of hell

Taphephobia Taphophobia- Fear of being buried alive or of cemeteries I think everyone is scared of that one

Triskaidekaphobia- Fear of the number 13.

Wiccaphobia: Fear of witches and witchcraft

Zemmiphobia- Fear of the great mole rat. Google the image

Friday, August 22, 2014

Olinger Mortuary Ghost Hunt 2

By Ascary Morera

Just doing a recap on the investigation that we did years ago and the cool thing is I happen to fine some of the lost footage on the second investigation. I upload to Youtube but here it is enjoy all three parts.


Thursday, August 7, 2014



by Ascary M

El Chupacabra the legendary goat sucker, I had to do a story for my friend because he is a skeptic and laugh about the whole thing. I use to not believe it until I researched it which most skeptics never do and say a lot of shit.

It started in spring of 1995 in Puerto Rico they have countless animal bodies mostly goats found dead. Animal bodies rapidly climbed into the hundreds, not all of them were goats. There were also sheep, cattle, horses, dogs, cats, rabbits, ducks, geese, chickens, anything in short containing the elixir vitae blood.  In fact mostly all animals had also a venom that caused paralytic neurotoxins which causes them not to move.  Puerto Rico had variant of cattle mutilations but instead of laser clean surgical incisions the victims bore small deep circular puncture wounds through which all blood had been drained…..or sucked.  

The authorities quickly blamed some mundane suspects like packs of wild dogs, monkeys and even Satanic cults but the people of Puerto Rico did not agree. When a veterinarian Carlos Soto examine and explain the animal biting would have produce some mauling of the skin which to have said become a single fanged animal. According to researcher Jorge Martin said no known species on Earth can do this. The single fang caused natural inflammatory process” Rigor mortis” and coagulation of the reaming blood traces. The world ignore these claims and just became world news mockery and till this day.

Eye witness accounts said otherwise, they said it was a nightmarish 4 foot tall winged biped with coarse black hair, it has claws forelimbs, strong hind legs and a spinal appendages like quills with fleshly membranes which changed color from blue, green, red and purple. It oddly fanged oval head has an elongated jaw and huge glowing red eyes with green pupils. With the subscription the authorities quickly blamed bats, so thought out Latin America there was a genocide of winged rats being killed by the thousands.

It has been said the Chupacabra victims are mesmerized into submission by its penetrating stare. Other claimed they were made sleepy and faint by El Chupacabra’s weird hissing sound. During in board daylight encounter on April 2, 1995 people said they seen three like Chupacabra creatures, one person witness passing out as a group of others experienced extreme nausea. On May 8, 1996 Officer Victor Santiago was utterly stumped by the deaths of 20 chickens drained of their blood. “It’s difficult to catch a single chicken now image 20 said Lt. Victor Santiago”

El Chupacabra is said to gallops at extreme speeds and is capable of leaping more than 20 feet in a single bound and some people have said it can even fly.

Lucy Bastista, describe El Chupacabra having an inhuman scream as the combined sound of a cats yowling and a goat braying. In an interview with Maria De Gomez, a woman who interrupted El Chupacabra’s attack on her puppy outside her home. She told El Chupacabra it was the ugliest thing I’d ever seen. She confronted face to face with this thing and Mrs. Gomez found herself bitterly thinking “you’re a sorry excuse for a creature pendejo”. As if reading the woman’s mind El Chupacabra stumble back drawing a protective wing across it’s face, then leaped onto her terrace rail and flew off into the night. Although some say Mrs. Gomez was a local bruja “ witch” in the area and said to have powers of her own.

Some officials Mayor Jose Soto, took el Chupacabra more seriously he organized citizens of militias up to 100 men and baited a cage with a goat. Unfortunately they caught nothing.
On Nov 9, 1995 House of Representatives Juan E. Lopez introduce a resolution 5012 to do a mission and exhaustive investigation to clarify the unknown phenomenon cause by El Chupacabra.

One police man become a total believer, on Sept of 1995 Officer Juan Collazo Vasquez at 4 in the mooring he heard the burglar alarm, go off in he’s car . He quickly got up put on he’s vest and packed he’s 357 magnum and ran downstairs. He saw he’s Chow-chow struggling with something so he assumed it was another dog but as he got closer. He saw a what look like a large strange shape kangaroo and was trying to spike he’s dog in the neck. He aim and fired the gun one shot, as the creature squealed it back u away from. He notice the bullet didn’t go thought it so he went back inside. Both him and he’s dog where traumatized. He’s wife slapped him a few times. He came out of it and later they went back into the area finding blood and very thick hair, which forensic team examined it. Along with that a very nasty smell like much like rotten blood.

The Forensic team analyzed the blood collected from the sample and in no way compatible with human blood nor with any other blood type belonging to any animal species known to science. Freaky huh”

2007 In Texas the blue dog which was shot and killed by a rancher Phylis Canion. She claimed to have discovered and killed El Chupacabras. It was a weird dog like thing with hairless blue skinned animal. It was seen on The Unexplained files and MonsterQuest. DNA testing was done on the animal by Michael Forstner, PhD professor in department of Biology in Texas state university. The results were unknown or unique animal, the second DNA test was conducted in a genetics lab in California university and the results was a hybrid, a Mexican wolf was the father and the mother was a coyote. Strange but nothing out of these world, yet more are seen of this type of hybrid if you go in YouTube and type in chupacabra’s but sadly no.

As I read more on the subject there is a lot more stranger incidents that occurred in the Island of Puerto Rico. It almost remind me of the West Virginia incidents during the famous monster Mothman. All these strange stories and witnesses of weird monsters like around the same time El Chupacabra was seen people also witness a bigfoot like creature roaming the rain forest. Also three alien greys have been seen and also men in black where questioning people. Some people suggest that El Chupacabra is a demon giving the bad sulfur smell it comes with and other people said it is Santeria practitioners who were doing all the animal killing. All I know is that Puerto Rico is a strange place and has a history of the unexplained. 

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Part 3 ufo over Denver


Part 2 ufo over Denver

UFO sightings in Denver, Cnn Confirms!:

Part 1 ufo over Denver

MUST SEE FOOTAGE: Alien UFO's Flying Around In De…:

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Louie the Protector

        Louie the Protector

         By Ascary Morera      

. "God's a connoisseur of fragile things and decorates His cloudy outlook with ornaments of finest glass." - Stephen King

One year ago in June 2013 at work I was playing on Google maps checking out my old stomping grounds and I found my old house which was on 31st Zuni street. An old Victorian turned duplex which was built in 1898 and it was haunted. The house wasn’t there anymore but on Google maps it still showed. I zoomed closer as if I’m walking the streets when looking into the windows I saw some weird figures. I zoomed closer to see what it was when I recognize a face in the window.

 In 1992, the face that taunted my childhood and my teen years, he was my bully.  Which made me believe that I was weak, stupid, crazy and felt worthless but he wasn’t flesh like you and I it was a living entity, a  Demon, I call him the bastard. I  refuse to believe in the supernatural at all around that age because I thought my brain shut down from it, like a auto defense system because if I were to believe in it, it would have taken me whole through possession and at times I felt I was someone else in my body.  My mother contently cleanses the house, things could have gotten worst. Seeing that face again on Google maps through windows I felt a shiver of fear and energy go through me and soo much hate erupted  in my stomach. I had to calm myself and tell myself “what the hell was that”, I didn’t know what was happening to me.   For days that part of the job site had problems with the motion detectors which gave the alarm set off problems to activate. I also felt something in the back computer room, days pass when I step out from work heading home when all of sudden I heard a faint horn sound like off a battle horn in a mid evil movie. As I looked up over me I saw a large cloud but I could not see it because the sun was hitting hard so I took a picture with my phone. Realize taking photos is an instinct I picked up when capturing the paranormal. Not seeing at once but after a second look on my pics I see something.  I felt like I had to take a picture,  I had a eerie feeling about the cloud and the noise, made a shape of a demon with horns over me like telling me “something wicked this way comes”.


At home I was outside watering our garden at night because our garden keep dying (a sign or evil ) when I see a large figure standing over a bed of flowers, he stare back at me and in my head I heard a familiar voice, (remember me bitch). I then stop watering and went inside, not realizing what I heard and saw but a massive fear hit me. I broke the paranormal rule when confronted by an entity, NEVER BACK DOWN, stand your ground and use your will to bounce it or reflective away. Yes I know it sounds crazy but I’ve learned more about life, love and death.

The Louie the protector, Louie is a dog but not my dog he’s my wife’s dog. You can say he’s more like her familiar to her but then she’ll say Louie is her baby. Louie is mutt half St Bernard half Terrier mix, he got more the Terrier mid size and the St.Bernard coloring but he looks like a scruffy dog. When I first meet Louie I didn’t think much of him and I think he thought the same about me but over the years we got respect each other. Louie seemed smarted then your avenge dog and wiser but he’ll give you respect if only you respected him back. He was fourteen years old, he died in June 2013 of kidney failure, my wife has kidney failure, she blames herself for he’s death. During that we were battling against an evil force that nearly destroyed my  family and me from the past, beings like those have one goal, to break the love, happiness, trust and spirit of a person’s or families. It will overtake the strongest person in the household. In this case it was my grandfather, he got diabetes and eventually a stroke. He was the head of household and it took him, I know that now because he told me in my dreams. He's health faded being in that house. My father also got diabetes and nearly lost he’s sight in one week. It mess with the mental health of everyone including myself but this is another story which I can tell some other time.  Like I always said on my blog I’ve always had weird experiences my whole life as far back as I could remember. The god damn thing found me again this time through a picture on Google map. You see when you have a “gift” you can summing things through pictures without even knowing it, making a portal straight to you. Apparently I could do that, I didn’t know, sucks finding out the hard way, or so I thought.
                                                my grampa 

The demon bug  my wife and I, giving us bad dreams almost every night and seeing something creepy in the corner of your eye hanging out in the hallway watching you. Once I thought I saw something but as we all know as you turn to see it will be gone. This time it wasn’t it stood there staring at me with a smile. Burning sage in the house didn’t work, he had us so scared we couldn’t even watch a movie like the Conjuring, or Insidious, we waited to see that. 

Weeks pass still having bad dreams and still feeling tired and drained in the home, until one morning my wife awoke at 4 A.M. and started to talk about a dream she had with Louie. In her dream Louie came to visit her, he became solid form and ghost form when he felt the need as my wife hugged him. Louie didn’t come alone he came with an army of spirits. My wife told me she was in the kitchen along with me looking at the back yard seeing an army of spirits looking back at us. Louie then introduce another pet she had ounce name Shadow a German sherpard, she came into the kitchen so that I could feed her. My wife was happy to see  her I was busy filling dogs bowls, a lot of dog bowls. The army of spirits where a bunch of ghost dogs from all breeds and sizes. One she remembers was a buggy fat little pug looking up at her with uncertain eyes but Louie told him she’s okay, she won’t hurt you” My wife carried the Pug in her arms . They weren’t just dog’s but human spirits too, people, family members and friends who long pass. Louie turned and look at her and said were taking care of that “Thing” for your mom. The Spirit army came to give that bastard a can of whopass to the thing and letting her know it was going to be okay.

She was telling me this on a Monday morning at  4 a.m. and I didin’t mind it. It was a couple of hours before I usually got and we both decided to take the dogs outside so they could use the bathroom. I stopped and grabbed my phone on pure instint and we both walked outside and saw a large moving or more like dancing fog. My wife turned to me and said this is how my dream was, I started to take some pictures of the moving fog. The “Moving fog” didn’t feel cold, there was no wind and I could see the building lights from across the street and saw no fog there. It felt good, full of positive energy. We could see figures in the fog, people dogs moving around us. When we saw the pictures we saw Mr. Louie floating and some weirdness in the fog.

Louie and he's friends came and kicked he's unholy ass away and maybe for good destroyed this coward entity. The house felt happy and safe again and afterwards there was a type of magic left. It didn't make it easier on my wife not seeing Louie in the flesh again but it has been one year 6/27/13 since he pass. He visits in her dreams and other people, me included just to tell us your going to be okay.

 People thought I was grilling or lighting up the torches but no, I know it was real and I know what we felt that day and here are some pictures. It’s good to know that your love ones could always come back and help you defeat evil in this world. This is the reason I started my Haunted Northside tales, an old evil came back to finish me off. Evil exist in this world and it's only job is to be a coward and break you mentally and physical, but it's our job to fight it out of our lives with our will and faith. I am glad to be who I am, thanks to my wife who showed me love and kindness is more than just a powerful force I'm happy to say that evil never changed being who I am. take it or leave it, I don’t care if you do or don’t believe me because I believe it.  I know there’s an afterlife and more than just this physical realm what we think we see and feel thank you for reading.