

Thursday, August 7, 2014



by Ascary M

El Chupacabra the legendary goat sucker, I had to do a story for my friend because he is a skeptic and laugh about the whole thing. I use to not believe it until I researched it which most skeptics never do and say a lot of shit.

It started in spring of 1995 in Puerto Rico they have countless animal bodies mostly goats found dead. Animal bodies rapidly climbed into the hundreds, not all of them were goats. There were also sheep, cattle, horses, dogs, cats, rabbits, ducks, geese, chickens, anything in short containing the elixir vitae blood.  In fact mostly all animals had also a venom that caused paralytic neurotoxins which causes them not to move.  Puerto Rico had variant of cattle mutilations but instead of laser clean surgical incisions the victims bore small deep circular puncture wounds through which all blood had been drained…..or sucked.  

The authorities quickly blamed some mundane suspects like packs of wild dogs, monkeys and even Satanic cults but the people of Puerto Rico did not agree. When a veterinarian Carlos Soto examine and explain the animal biting would have produce some mauling of the skin which to have said become a single fanged animal. According to researcher Jorge Martin said no known species on Earth can do this. The single fang caused natural inflammatory process” Rigor mortis” and coagulation of the reaming blood traces. The world ignore these claims and just became world news mockery and till this day.

Eye witness accounts said otherwise, they said it was a nightmarish 4 foot tall winged biped with coarse black hair, it has claws forelimbs, strong hind legs and a spinal appendages like quills with fleshly membranes which changed color from blue, green, red and purple. It oddly fanged oval head has an elongated jaw and huge glowing red eyes with green pupils. With the subscription the authorities quickly blamed bats, so thought out Latin America there was a genocide of winged rats being killed by the thousands.

It has been said the Chupacabra victims are mesmerized into submission by its penetrating stare. Other claimed they were made sleepy and faint by El Chupacabra’s weird hissing sound. During in board daylight encounter on April 2, 1995 people said they seen three like Chupacabra creatures, one person witness passing out as a group of others experienced extreme nausea. On May 8, 1996 Officer Victor Santiago was utterly stumped by the deaths of 20 chickens drained of their blood. “It’s difficult to catch a single chicken now image 20 said Lt. Victor Santiago”

El Chupacabra is said to gallops at extreme speeds and is capable of leaping more than 20 feet in a single bound and some people have said it can even fly.

Lucy Bastista, describe El Chupacabra having an inhuman scream as the combined sound of a cats yowling and a goat braying. In an interview with Maria De Gomez, a woman who interrupted El Chupacabra’s attack on her puppy outside her home. She told El Chupacabra it was the ugliest thing I’d ever seen. She confronted face to face with this thing and Mrs. Gomez found herself bitterly thinking “you’re a sorry excuse for a creature pendejo”. As if reading the woman’s mind El Chupacabra stumble back drawing a protective wing across it’s face, then leaped onto her terrace rail and flew off into the night. Although some say Mrs. Gomez was a local bruja “ witch” in the area and said to have powers of her own.

Some officials Mayor Jose Soto, took el Chupacabra more seriously he organized citizens of militias up to 100 men and baited a cage with a goat. Unfortunately they caught nothing.
On Nov 9, 1995 House of Representatives Juan E. Lopez introduce a resolution 5012 to do a mission and exhaustive investigation to clarify the unknown phenomenon cause by El Chupacabra.

One police man become a total believer, on Sept of 1995 Officer Juan Collazo Vasquez at 4 in the mooring he heard the burglar alarm, go off in he’s car . He quickly got up put on he’s vest and packed he’s 357 magnum and ran downstairs. He saw he’s Chow-chow struggling with something so he assumed it was another dog but as he got closer. He saw a what look like a large strange shape kangaroo and was trying to spike he’s dog in the neck. He aim and fired the gun one shot, as the creature squealed it back u away from. He notice the bullet didn’t go thought it so he went back inside. Both him and he’s dog where traumatized. He’s wife slapped him a few times. He came out of it and later they went back into the area finding blood and very thick hair, which forensic team examined it. Along with that a very nasty smell like much like rotten blood.

The Forensic team analyzed the blood collected from the sample and in no way compatible with human blood nor with any other blood type belonging to any animal species known to science. Freaky huh”

2007 In Texas the blue dog which was shot and killed by a rancher Phylis Canion. She claimed to have discovered and killed El Chupacabras. It was a weird dog like thing with hairless blue skinned animal. It was seen on The Unexplained files and MonsterQuest. DNA testing was done on the animal by Michael Forstner, PhD professor in department of Biology in Texas state university. The results were unknown or unique animal, the second DNA test was conducted in a genetics lab in California university and the results was a hybrid, a Mexican wolf was the father and the mother was a coyote. Strange but nothing out of these world, yet more are seen of this type of hybrid if you go in YouTube and type in chupacabra’s but sadly no.

As I read more on the subject there is a lot more stranger incidents that occurred in the Island of Puerto Rico. It almost remind me of the West Virginia incidents during the famous monster Mothman. All these strange stories and witnesses of weird monsters like around the same time El Chupacabra was seen people also witness a bigfoot like creature roaming the rain forest. Also three alien greys have been seen and also men in black where questioning people. Some people suggest that El Chupacabra is a demon giving the bad sulfur smell it comes with and other people said it is Santeria practitioners who were doing all the animal killing. All I know is that Puerto Rico is a strange place and has a history of the unexplained. 

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