

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Lumber Ghost faces

The Lumber Ghost are Inn 

I remember always walking pass the Lumber Mansion which it was called at the time, I was going to Skinner middle school with some friends and that's when they told me about the haunted house. I didn't believed them but they told me on Halloween night you can see ghost faces in the windows peeking back at you. Well why would it be haunted, it wasn't till I went to North high a teacher owned it and he decided to make it to a bed and breakfast. We ask about the haunting's and he said he was skeptic at first but he's wife swore she hears her name being called while she stayed at home alone fixing up the place. He said once he saw a shadow of a woman leaning over him watching him sleep, that freaked him out then he started to believe the stories. 

One of the stories was in the early October 13th 1970 a runaway 17 years girl and her friend were both murdered in the top tower of the room apartments. Till this day it's still a cold case murder file no suspects where ever arrested. 

On Halloween night 1997 my friend "Bennie Blanco" and I went to check out the Lumber mansion to see if we can see a ghost. It was foggy that night in the northside and we walked around wearing creepy mask and trying to get candy. We stood in front of the place looking into the windows and we both could have swore we seen a bearded man in the top tower window looking down but just a quick second. We both look at each other and shrugged it off. 

Present I drove over there and took some pictures with my night vision camera and got some freaky stuff this time, I wasn't looking for anything at all but when I checked later at home I was amazed. 

this is zoomed in 

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