

Friday, January 31, 2014

Haunted Northside tales was an idea I’ve been thinking of for a while. It’s pretty much my experiences I had growing up in a neighborhood in a north west Denver Colorado area what it called the Highlands. It was always called the Highlands or Sunnyside which is up the street a few blocks. To us it was called the Northside, us the neighborhood people. Growing up I felt fear, fury, anger and pain, it was like it live in the air surrounding the area and to me it felt Haunted.  I’ve be lying if I told you that all me paranormal experiences started there but no. I’m new at this blogging so bear with me it’s hard to do this because exampling your paranormal experiences isn’t always easy. Living in a world of show me the proof, I’m trying to gather more stories of any kind of paranormal experiences from people who are not scared to tell. I guess I’m tired of hearing famous old hotels and historical locations only being haunted but that is not true. If you live or grew in the Denver area and has had a paranormal experince no matter how weird it might sound feel free to hit me up. I will try to post a lot of my experinces which might be a hugh novel size list of things. Thank you Ascary Morera.