Did the 27 make a deal with the devil?

It was also believed that some people made
this type of pact just as a sign a deal with theDevil as their
master, in exchange for a human soul. The human will wish for their dream
desire’s and have a moralizing death, with eternal damnation to
fellow. Here are some examples that I thought these kinds of deals do exits.
The 27 club is one of the there examples that freak me out when I discovered
hearing about these once famous people who happen to die at the same age but it
is one of my favorite myths/legends? . If you don’t know or ever heard of it
will check it out. Basically you go to the crossroads of any place anywhere and
make an offering to a demon and it will appear and grant you your wish. There’s
always a catch their going to want your soul in exchange. Robert Leroy Johnson was a blues singer during 1910-1930’s. He wrote a
song about the ritual called the devil legend According to legend, as a young
man living in rural Mississippi, Robert Johnson wanted to be with a great
blues musician. He was to take his guitar to a crossroad near Dockery Plantation at midnight. There he was met
by a large black man (the Devil) who took the guitar and tuned it. The "Devil" played a few songs
and then returned the guitar to Johnson, giving him mastery of the instrument.
This was in effect, a deal with the Devil . In
exchange for his soul, Robert Johnson was able to make the blues for which he
became famous for. I got a picture from google the year he died and I see
something to the left of him. Kind of eerie huh”
Will the list goes on
but what puzzles the mind is that everyone died at the age of 27. I got a list
off of wikilpedia but Crooked.com and Forteantimes.com and a whole list of
articles that people have made base on this events of tragic deaths,
suicides. Don’t believe me do the research there’s even a movie documentary.
According to
said ” He adds
that overall, famous musicians in their 20s and 30s were two to three times
more likely to die than others of the same age. He says fame and lifestyle
caused the spikes, not an unlucky number. I’m Bob Hirshon, for AAAS, the
science society.
Then I ask what about the accidental deaths
that accord here’s a whole list of the young and famous I got so check it out.
Alexandre Levy dies 01/17/1892 from unknown
Louis Chauvin 3/26/1908 died Neurosphilitic
Robert Johnson 08/16/1938 mostly likely
poisoned by strychnine
Nat Jaffe 08/5/1945 died from heart
Jesse Belvin 02/06/1960 died car accident
Rudy Lewis 5/20/1964 died drug overdose
Malcolm Hale 10/31/1968 died carbon monoxide
Dickie Pride 3/26/1969 died overdose sleeping
Brain Jones 7/3/1969 died drowning
Alan “Blind owl” Wilson 9/3/1970 died overdose
possible suicide
Jimi Hendrix 9/18/1970 died Asphyxiation
Janis Joplin 10/4/1970 died heroin overdose
Arlester” Dyke” Christian 3/13/1971 was murdered
Jim Morrison 7/3/1971 died from Heart failure
Linda Jones 3/14/1972 died complication with
Leslie harvey 5/3/1972 died electrocution
Ron “Pigpen” Mckerman 5/8/1973 Gastrointestinal
hemorrhage possible ate himself to death
Roger lee Durham 7/27/1973 fell off a horse and
died from the injuries
Wallace Yohn 8/12/1972 died plane crash
Dave Alexander 2/10/1975 pulmonary edema…..had
to look it up and here it is Pulmonary edema is an
abnormal buildup of fluid in the air sacs of the lungs, which leads to
shortness of breath.
You have a sick mind.
Pete Ham 4/24/1975 suicide by hanging
Gary Thain 12/8/1975 Heroin Overdose
Cecilla 8/2/1976 car accident
Helmut Kollen 5/3/1977 carbon monoxide poisoning
Chris Bell 12/27/1978 car accident
Jacob Miller 5/23/1980 car accident
D.Boon 12/22/1985 car accident
Alexander Bashlaschev 2/17/1988 fell, possible suicide
Jean-Michel Basquiat 8/12/1988 speedball overdose
Pete de Freitas 6/14/1989 motorcycle accident
Mia Zapata 7/7/1993 murdered
Kurt Cobain 5/5/1994 possible suicide by gunshot but some say he was
Kristen Pfaff 6/16/1994 Heroin overdose
Richey Edwards 2/1/1995 Disappeared and presumed died on 11/23/2008
but body never found
Fat Pat 2/3/1998 murdered
Jermey Michael Ward 5/25/2003 heroin overdose
Bryan Ottoson 5/9/2005 overdose on prescription
Valentin Elizalde 11/26/2006 murdered
Amy Winehouse 7/23/2011 alcohol poisoning
Richard Turner 8/11/2011 cardiac arrest
- Here are some more facts about the number 27, The Greek 27 is "Agapetos" which means "Beloved", as found in the New Testament of the Bible.
- 27 - the highest level of knowledge in rupaloke (Buddhism).
- 27 - number of grains in some Buddhist rosary
- In almost all Christian traditions today, the
- New Testament consists of 27 books
- In the Kabbalah there are 27 letters, corresponding to 27 channels of communication with
- God and 27 combinations of the names of God and - 13 overt and 14 covert.
- According to
- Feng Shui, to raise money, keep in the house 27 identical coins.
- In ancient Incan culture there were 27 roads to
- El Dorado
- In Astrology there are 27 signs in the Indian astrology
1. Okay most of you think that it might be just a coincidence but what is a coincidence: a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection, correspondence in nature or in time of occurrence. The example my friends have told me was they saw their friend or uncle at the airport at the same time, that’s not a coincidence to me. In fact I don’t believe in them. I’m not saying I also an a devil who grants wish’s but most defiantly something is happing. I don’t what do you think, is it possible to change your destiny by a being could persuade it by will, maybe but if there is this is a warning story for you. Thanks for readying Ascary Morera.
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